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Leak Adjustment Requests



The City of Mayflower permits a courtesy adjustment for customers that have experienced a loss of water caused by a break in the water service line that has been repaired. Though the City of Mayflower is not responsible for leaks that occur on the customer’s property, we are able to review the water usage to determine if above average usage occurred based on the account history. If above average usage has been identified as a leak, an adjustment may be made based on average usage.



  • Water leaks not entering the sewer system – These leaks relate specifically to breaks or malfunctions in the customer service line only. The customer shall be solely responsible for repair to all water lines owned by the customer. Excessive usage by the customer for the following: garden hoses left on, washing of cars or power washing, watering lawns or other similar water use are not leaks and will not be eligible for an adjustment.
  • Water leaks entering the sewer system – Adjustments will not be made for leaks resulting from leaking commodes, dripping faucets, malfunctioning appliances, or similar situations. Each of these leaks is under the control of the customer and the customer must act to avoid these leaks through proper maintenance.
  • Swimming pools – All water charges shall be at current rates with no adjustment given. 



  • Adjustment is available no more than once in a 12-month period.
  • Adjustments are based on the customer’s prior 12-month average
  • Adjustment is available for the water portion of the bill and may be available for the sewer portion of the bill if applicable.
  • Customers must submit a copy of the repair/invoice receipt from the company preforming the work and include the address, date and nature of the work. If self-repaired, the customer must provide copies of invoice/receipt for repair parts and nature of repair.




Leak Adjustment Forms are available on this website, click on the Forms & Reports tab. Submittal of a leak adjustment request does not exempt you from payment. Please continue to pay your water bill by the due date. If you are unable to pay your account in full, it is your responsibility to contact our office, prior to your due date, to discuss special arrangements with our customer service staff.